Download The Spy Next Door Movie

You’re on the right place if your interest is to download The Spy Next Door. Here, we provide complete The Spy Next Door in ready to download format. Not only this movie, we have all popular as well as latest released movies in our database. The whole process requires a few clicks only and makes The Spy Next Door download a quite easy process, more like the game of a kid.

Undoubtedly, The Spy Next Door has a secure place on the list of most popular Hollywood flicks and the whole credit goes to the storyline and the characters of the movie. Here’s the complete storyline of The Spy Next Door for ones who haven’t watched this movie yet. Read the storyline and you’ll definitely like to download The Spy Next Door Movie right now.

Directed by Brian Levant, The Spy Next Door is a martial arts action comedy flick. It has been rated PG as it has a chain of action violence and rude rumor as well. A man named Bob Ho babysits his neighbor’s kids as some spies are on hunt for a stolen secret code. The major characters of The Spy Next Door are Poldark, Colton James, Glaze, Larry, Gillian, Farren, Nora and Tatiana Creel. The storyline of the movie is penned by Jonathan Bernstein and James Greer. The shooting for the movie comes to an end in December 2008.
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